The Executive Committee
Information about the exec: who we are, what we do and how you can get involved
The Exec
The executive committee (exec) is a group of member-elected volunteers, typically students from within Lancaster University, whose duties range from organising the weekly trips to making sure we don’t run out of money!
Hustings for the various positions on the exec are held in the middle of every academic year, typically week 5 of Lent term. Any club member can run for any position, however under LUSU regulations, the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be current students at Lancaster University.
A few weeks after hustings is the annual handover meal, where the old exec officially make way for the new.
The exec consists of the following positions:
- President: runs weekly exec meetings, liaises with LUSU, organises the Freshers’ Fair campaign, deals with important issues that arise and takes legal responsibility of LUHC
- Vice President: organises trips (books campsites, bunkhouses and minibuses, finds drivers and sends out trip emails) and stands in when the President isn’t available
- Secretary: sends the weekly newsletter, takes minutes at exec meetings, makes room bookings and chases up errands that other exec members need to be doing
- Treasurer: manages the annual budget, setting membership and event fees, pays bills and keeps us from going bankrupt!
- Safety Officer: arranges safety meetings, navigation skills workshops, first aid and any other training, enforces the Code of Practice at events and promotes safety among members
- Gear Officer: maintains and organises the club gear for each trip, chases up missing or borrowed gear and buys new gear to replace the old or lost
- Social Secretaries: plan, organise and manage all social events in the LUHC calendar
- Publicity Officer: manages the Club’s social media accounts to advertise and promote all events, creates the big yellow posters you may have seen around campus
- IT Officer: posts all ticketed events on the LUSU website, manages this website and any other digital tasks that need doing
NB: some positions, typically social secretary, can be fulfilled by two people who run together for elections
If you could see yourself in any of the above roles, have a chat with one of us at our next event. We’re always on the lookout for the next exec, as without us there wouldn’t be a hiking club.