What We Do

Information about who we are, what we do and how we work

What We Do

We generally structure events throughout the term as follows:

  • Seven Sunday trips: Visiting various locations in the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales.
  • Three weekend trips: Visting destinations further away such as the Scottish Highlands or Snowdonia, and either camping or staying in a bunkhouse.
  • Weekly socials: We hold our legendary pub socials every Monday at 8:30 during term, find out more about those here.

How We Work

We are run entirely by a member-elected executive committee (exec). Our hustings take place in the middle of each academic year, and the new exec take over shortly after.

We hold a planning meeting at the end of each term for members to decide where we go for each hike and social the following term; needless to say, every member has an input into what the club does and all suggestions are warmly welcomed.

For transport, we use hired minibuses or coaches and rely on our own members to drive (click here if you’d be interested in doing that), meaning we’re able to keep costs down to a minimum. Sunday trips cost £10, whilst weekend trips normally cost between £30 and £40

Who We Are

We’re the LUHC exec, a group of students at Lancaster University, most likely like yourself. Find out more about us and the positions available here, and have a chat with one of us at our next event if you could see yourself in one of our roles.